Every Day Counts
Cuban Prime Days
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Cuban primes are primes which are the difference of two consecutive cubes.

These are of the form: p = (x^3 - y^3)/(x - y) where x = y + 1

All of these cuban primes are centred hexagonal.

The name "cuban prime" has to do with the role cubes (third powers) play in the equations, and has nothing to do with Cuba.

There is a variant of the cuban prime which comprises primes of the form: p = (x^3 - y^3 )/(x - y) where x = y + 2.

The first few members of this sequence are:

13, 109, 193, 433, 769, 1201, 1453, 2029, 3469, 3889, 4801, 10093, 12289, 13873, 18253, 20173, 21169, 22189, 28813, 37633, 43201, 47629, 60493, 63949, 65713, 69313
